
Check out what there is to do in the area on Beautiful sights, fun events, going out, catering tips and much more.

Discover Castricum and the surrounding area. Would you like to spend a nice day in the beautiful surroundings of Castricum? Then discover the fun destinations and interesting sights that Castricum has to offer. Visit the most beautiful places to escape from everyday life or to relax. Take a look at the hiking and biking trails. Eating and dining tips can be found in the event calendar. There is a lot to experience for young and old. You can see everything in detail on

At you will find a lot of information about Castricum and its surroundings. For example, you will find useful and practical information about the beach, the dunes, the weather, the tides, webcams by the sea, local affairs, local social media news, photos and films, the history of Castricum and much more. Would you like to know what to discover in Castricum? Then browse to

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